Friday, December 24, 2010

Following Fade Street

This year saw a TV event for the ages. Finally Ireland got it's own version of The Hills. Fade Street arrived ahead of huge press attention in November and soon became one of the most talked about Irish TV shows of the year. By now we've had YouTube spoofs, a parody comic, hilarious blogs dedicated to it and of course my little spoof show. I've been doing Following Fade Street, a online show dissecting the series, for every episode and it has been loads of fun.

The videos go up on straight after the episode every Thursday (the show is moving to a new time in the New Year. Exciting) and we've been popping them up on YouTube too. The lastest episode is below. At this point, I have to thank everyone at Straywave Media, especially Jessie Ward who does a fine job of making me and the show look good every week. And to everyone who has said nice things about the show this year, thank you very much!

The plan is to do another 6 episodes in the New Year as all the Fade Street fun unfolds, so keep your eyes peeled for more on the antics of cast of everybody's favourite reality show. 

While we wait, check out the rest of Following Fade Street and this hilarious YouTube clip, probably my favourite bit of web parody I've seen yet. Brilliant:

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